Covid-19 Risk Assessment

Hygiene Procedures

We want to put pupils and parents at ease and as a result we are making every effort to implement rigourous hygiene procedures listed below.

Safety screens are in place.

How will the risks be managed

  • Teacher acts upon government guidance surrounding maintaining hygiene.
  • Teacher reminds pupils regarding maintaining good hygiene standards such as regular hand washing, not touching mouth/nose/eyes.
  • Pupils are supervised by teacher if using hand sanitiser.
  • Pupils and Parents are asked to wash hands when entering the building, after coughing or sneezing and after using the toilet.
  • Teacher undertakes cleaning of key touch points at interims, using anti-bacterial wipes or spray.
  • Tissues are available for use by pupils and teacher. Tissues are disposed immediately after use.
  • All touch points will be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each evening.
  • The classroom will be kept well ventilated through opening the waiting room door and windows wherever possible.
  • Parents are requested to not wait for pupils in the waiting room to minimise touch points and allow social distancing between adults.
  • To further allow social distancing between adults, if further feedback is required about a pupil’s progress, please make contact via email, phone or text message.


Practicalities in the classroom:

  • Pupils to observe a 2metre distance from each other when in the classroom and waiting room and avoid any physical contact.
  • The teacher will be separated from the pupils using a Perspex screen.
  • Desks will be positioned so that children are two metres apart.
  • Children will not directly face each other.
  • Equipment on the tables will be kept to a minimum. Each child will be given a sanitised pencil at the beginning of their lesson and equipment will be cleaned at the end of each evening. Children will not share equipment during lessons.
  • Desks and chairs will be cleaned with antibacterial wipes or spray between lessons.
  • If homework is required, it can be sent electronically.


Pick up / drop off:

  • If possible, parents are requested to remain outside.
  • If parents do enter the waiting room then they are requested to observe social distancing measures of staying 2 metres apart.

Let’s work together

Contact us with any questions